Shrine Treasurers Association
Article I – NAME
Sec. 1 This body shall be known as The Shrine Treasurers Association.
Article II – OBJECT
Sec. 1 To promote and maintain a spirit of good fellowship and understanding among the Treasurers of all Temples.
Sec. 2 To compile and circulate among its members such information as may be helpful in creating greater efficiency in the office of the individual Treasurers.
Sec. 3 To compile and circulate among its membership, as occasion demands, constructive statistical information particularly as it regards the financial matters of the member Temples.
Sec. 4 To encourage the attendance of all Treasurers at the Annual Sessions of the Imperial Council in order that a more perfect understanding may be had covering matters of interest to the Temples, and to encourage a proper application and interpretation of the legislation, policies, etc., acted upon or established at the Annual Session of Imperial Council relating to any financial matter(s) that are required to be followed by Temples.
Sec. 5 It is the intention of this Association to keep our interpretations, suggestions, and recommendations only to financial matters as it pertains to existing laws and new legislation.
Sec. 1 The officers of this Association shall consist of a President, four (4) Vice Presidents, and a Secretary-Treasurer who shall be elected annually by ballot. A majority of all votes cast by members present and voting shall be necessary for an election.
Sec. 2 A Treasurer, once elected to the office of Vice-President of the Association and subsequently is not elected Treasurer of his Temple, may remain an Officer, may advance through the line of Officers and may serve as President of the Association while not being the actual Treasurer of his Temple. The Office of Secretary-Treasurer may be held by an Emeritus Treasurer of his Temple or by an Emeritus of this organization. If for any cause the President or Vice-President should resign from his position in the Association, the line shall automatically advance and the vacancies shall be filed by ballot at the next Annual Meeting.
Sec. 3 (Surety) – The Secretary-Treasurer of this Association shall furnish bond in the amount of
$25,000; cost to be paid by this Association. Said bond to be executed immediately and filed with the President of this Association.
Sec. 4 The Secretary-Treasurer of this Association shall receive an expense allowance as may be recommend by Executive Committee and voted at the annual meeting.
Sec. 1 The Annual meeting of the Association shall be held annually at the place designated for the meeting of the Shriners International on the day of the public opening of the session at a time and place designed by the President and sent to the membership in writing (which may be by notice on the Shrine Treasurers Association web-page) at least 30 days prior to the meeting.
Sec. 2 Mid-Year meeting shall be held prior to the Annual meeting for the election of officers and educational opportunities. The time and place designed by the President and sent to the membership in writhing (which may be by notice on the Shrine Treasurers Association web-page) at least 30 days prior to the meeting.
Sec. 3 A special meeting may be called by the President at his discretion and shall be called by the President when requested in writing by three (3) officers of the Association. Ten (10) days written notice (which may be by notice on the Shrine Treasurers Association web-page) must be given all members prior to the special meeting.
Sec. 4 A legal meeting of this Association will exist when a quorum (four officers constitutes a quorum) of officers plus fifteen (15) other Association members are present.
Sec. 5 The fiscal year of the Association shall end on July 31 of each year.
Sec. 1 All REGULARLY elected and accredited active Treasurers of all Shrine Temples of Shrine International, as vouched for by the Imperial Recorder, shall be eligible to membership.
Sec. 2 In case of the retirement of any Treasurer who is a member of this Association, his membership shall advance to his successor upon proper certification by his temple.
Sec. 3 Honorary Members – The Imperial Treasurer, Past Imperial Treasurer, Past Imperial Officers, or Past Treasurers of any Shrine Temple may be elected to honorary membership upon the vote of three-fourths (3/4) of the members present.
Sec. 4 Emeritus Treasurers and Past Presidents who are not active Treasurers shall have the same rights and privileges as active Treasurers. This Association may elect any Treasurers of the Association an Emeritus Treasurer for meritorious service, or for having served the Association, as a member, for ten (10) consecutive years and will have also attended the Mid-Year meeting at least seven (7) of those ten (10) years.
Sec. 5 Associate Members – Any treasurer of a Shrine Association may be elected to associate membership upon the vote of three-fourths (3/4) of the members present. Annual dues for an associate member shall be established by the Executive Committee and presented for approval at the Annual meeting, by a vote of the membership present. Associate members may not hold office, but shall be entitled to all other privileges, duties, and responsibilities of a regular member.
Sec. 6 Any Treasurer of a Temple failing to pay dues to the Association for one year shall automatically forfeit the membership in the Association
Sec. 1 The annual dues shall be established by the Executive Committee and presented for approval at the Annual Meeting, by a majority vote of the membership present.
Sec. 2 Dues are payable in U.S. currency (Check drawn on banks not part of U.S. Federal Reserve System must make arrangements to fully pay dues without additional cost to STA) by each Temple or member prior to January 31st of each year.
Article VII – FUNDS
Sec. 1 The funds of the Association shall be deposited in a federally insured financial institution in the home City of the Secretary – Treasurer, the account carried in the name of the Shrine Treasurers Association and checks drawn against the account to be signed by the Secretary-Treasurer, or the President.
Sec. 2 It shall be the duty of the Secretary-Treasurer to render a written monthly statement to the President of all receipts and disbursements, and render Treasurers Association reports as may be required by the Imperial Council.
Sec. 3 Every member of the Shrine Treasurers Association shall be entitled to examine the books and records of the Association upon proper request.
Sec. 1 The affairs of the Association shall be governed by an Executive Committee composed of the President, Vice-Presidents, and Secretary – Treasurer between annual sessions of Shriners International.
Sec. 2 The President may appoint a committee on membership and a committee on publicity, and such other special committees as, in his judgment, the necessities of the organization may require.
Sec. 3 There shall be a Nominating Committee composed of the immediate Past President and four (4) members of the Association. The duties of this committee shall be to submit at the Mid-Year Meeting of the Association, a candidate or candidates for the offices of the President, 1st Vice-President, 2nd Vice-President, 3rd Vice-President, 4th Vice-President and Secretary-Treasurer. Nominating may be from the floor for any office or offices. Voting shall take place at the Mid-Year Meeting of the Association. The immediate Past President shall be the Chairman of the Nominating Committee for the ensuing year.
Sec. 4 The President shall appoint a committee to review present any proposed legislation affecting the financial affairs of the Temple. The finds of this committee are to be reported to all Treasurers of the Association.
Article IX – ORDER OF BUSINESS (Example)
- Annual Address of the President
- Annual Report of the Secretary – Treasurer
- Reports of the Committees
- Comments from Imperial Officers
- Comments from General Council and Chairman of Jurisprudence and Laws Committee
- Comments from Executive Vice President, Chief Operating Officer
- Unfinished Business
- Adjournment
Sec. 1 Amendments may be made at any business meeting of the Shrine
Treasurers Association. An affirmative vote of two thirds (2/3) of the members
present and voting at such a meeting shall be required to amend or altar these
APPROVED: September 13, 1985
Revised at Fourth Annual Business Meeting, July 3, 1989
Revised at Fifth Annual Business Meeting, July 2, 1990
Revised at Thirteenth Annual Business Meeting, June 28, 1998 Revised at Fourteenth Annual Business Meeting, July 4, 1999 Revised at Fifteenth Annual Business Meeting, July 2, 2000 Revised at Sixteenth Annual Business Meeting, July 9, 2001 Revised at Eighteenth Annual Business Meeting, July 6, 2003 Revised at Nineteenth Annual Business Meeting, July 4, 2004
Revised at Twenty Seventh Annual Business Meeting, July 1, 2012 Revised at Thirty Third Annual Business Meeting, July 15, 2018 Revised at Mid-Year Meeting, March 5, 2020